Hollydell Hurricanes

Mission Statement

It is the goal of our organization to create an environment that will encourage young athletes to compete and learn lifelong values that will help them mature and succeed as adults. It is our intention as parents, coaches and leaders to teach each athlete the importance of sportsmanship, teamwork, responsibility, how to conduct themselves appropriately when faced with situations and to understand the ramifications of their actions.

We as parents, coaches and leaders accept this responsibility to direct, teach and mold our athletes to become the best possible players and individuals on and off the ice. We will promote a winning attitude, but will accept the responsibility to educate our athletes that winning is not everything and will instill in each of our athletes that athletics should be fun.

We will require that our members adopt this mission statement. The organization will remain open minded to accept change and solicit new ideas that will have a positive impact and ensure that our organization will grow through the years.

